More than

2 Million

monthly shoppers

made the switch!

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We discovered that the products that we buy at big-box stores are NOT safe for our families; and there is more...

After researching, we also found out how bad big-box stores are for our communities & our families, but they are the ones calling the shots!

Big-box stores undermine small businesses and entrepreneurialism.

Retailing is notorious for its low wages, part-time hours, and lack of employee benefits.

Loss of uniqueness of place as big-box retailers make America become more homogeneous.

Hidden costs in the form of public assistance to low-wage workers, which affects "our" taxes.

What's even worse is that these mass retailers sell products from few conglomerates,
and in many cases these products are harmful to our families!

We are all too familiar with the massive big-box stores that have been popping up in our communities over the past few years. By buying products from these large corporations, we are essentially supporting a system that is actively driving out the small businesses that used to form the backbone of our communities.

We found the solution!

We found "one" North American manufacturer that meets our criteria:

Always Family Owned

Located in Idaho Falls, ID

Great prices

Compared to leading brands

Non-toxic Products

For Every Area Of Your Home and Life

Supports American Jobs

And American Families

No Mainstream Advertising

Saving You Money!

Made In USA

A Proud American Company

We all love the store for multiple reasons!

This is how it works:


Fill out the form at the top

One of our experienced shoppers will contact you as soon as possible


You receive the "Switch Store" package

We will send it via email or text message for a quicker contact


We will explain the details

We can communicate via text, email or on the phone!

Want more info?

If you are ready to switch your current monthly shopping to
safer products for you "and your family", click the button!

It totally makes sense! And this is why over...

2 million Americans have made the switch.

Today, it is more important than ever to buy products made in the USA.

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